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History of Sanya

According to a report from archaeologists, the Luobi Cave was the living area for original Hainan inhabitants about 10 thousand years ago. Sanya was called Zhuya dring the Han Dynasty. Its name was changed to Zhenzhou in the Tang Dynasty and Yazhou in the Ming Dynasty. After the Qing Dynasty, its name was Yaxian County. In 1954, its capital moved from Yacheng Town to current location, and in 1984, Sanya got its present name and was upgraded to a city.

Yazhou is the old name of Sanya. Many years ago, the Qiongzhou Strait (between Hainan Island and the mainland) was regarded as the dividing line between paradise and hell, because the Hainan Island was the penal colony for those officials who were out of favor.


Walking bridge/Dragon Bridge - one of the Symbol of the city