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Information of Baoting

Baoting is located in the southern part of Hainan Province, China. It is situated at the southern foot of Wuzhi Mountain and is bordered by LingShui Li Autonomous County to the east, Sanya City to the south, and Wuzhi Mountain City and Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County to the north and west. The county has a total area of 1,153.24 square kilometers.

Baoting has a tropical monsoon climate characterized by abundant heat, ample rainfall, high evaporation, and noticeable monsoon variations. As of the end of 2020, it is divided into 6 towns, 3 townships, 1 county-managed farm, and 6 residential communities. According to the data from the seventh national census conducted on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County is 156,018.


Baoting is known for its natural hotspring, and the rainforest. Seven Fairy Mountain (Qixianling) is renowned for its seven peaks, resembling a group of fairies. It offers breathtaking views, hot springs, and hiking trails. Visitors can relax in the natural hot springs, surrounded by the beautiful mountain landscape. please click here for attractions in Baoting. 

Li and Miao Ethnic Villages: Baoting is home to the Li and Miao ethnic minority groups. Visitors can visit traditional villages, observe their unique customs and traditions, and purchase handmade crafts and textiles.


Baoting offers a blend of natural wonders, cultural heritage, and distinctive experiences that make it a captivating destination for travelers seeking adventure, relaxation, and immersion in the local culture. 

Jenny's tip: if you have more time on the island, it is the best choice to stay for one or two nights to experience the hotspring and hiking in the rainforest with fresh air.