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International Tourist Arrivals to Sanya Perk Up

According to the data from Sanya Statistics Bureau, the first six months of this year saw rapid growth in Sanya’s tourism sector and notable rebound of the international tourist arrivals. The influx of the visitors into the famous tourism destination is credited to, among other factors, Hainan’s drive to make itself the International Tourism Island.



The tourism industry of Sanya maintained impressive momentum, which was characterized by “fast growth, improved profitability and optimized structure”. In the first half of this year, this city received 4.7619 million overnight visitors (up by 23.3% YOY), including 0.2138 million inbound tourists (up by 21.8% YOY); and the average room occupancy reached 65.7%.

The rising inflow of foreign visitors has driven up Sanya’s international air traffic by 127%. In the first six months of this year, 1206 international flights arrived at and departed from the city. In addition, the airlines in Japan, South Korea, Russia and other countries add more nonstop flights and charter flights to Sanya and send more high-net-worth visitors to the beautiful place.

Russia is the source market, the number of tourists from which bounces back the fastest. In last six months, Aeroflot - Russian International Airlines started charter flights to Sanya from 5 Russian cities, namely Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Krasnojarsk and Khabarovsk. During the same period, 222 Russian flights carried 38,000 tourists in and out of Sanya, registering an increase of more than 200%