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Tropical Paradise Forest Park Yalong Bay Sanya

the Park Entrance

Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park is a coastal mountainous ecotourism and leisure forest park, nestled alongside Yalong Bay, Bird's Nest Resort within the Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Tourism Area.

Located in the southeast part of Sanya City, the Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park is approximately 25 kilometers away from downtown Sanya. With a total planned area of 1,506 hectares, the park is divided into two regions: the East Park and the West Park, resembling outstretched arms embracing the "Best Bay in the World," Yalong Bay. The park aims to respect nature and ecological preservation, emphasizing uniqueness and individuality. With its upscale planning, construction, and management, it is designed to become a world-class coastal mountainous ecotourism and leisure forest park, recognized by experts as an exemplar of a third-generation boutique scenic spot.

The park boasts over a dozen peaks, more than 1,500 species of tropical plants, over 190 species of wildlife, 210 bird's nest villas, as well as three main tourist areas: Orchid Valley, the filming location of the Chinese dating show "If You Are the One II," and the mountaintop park. The diverse and vibrant resources enable visitors to engage in various tourism activities such as mountain climbing, outdoor exploration, leisure sightseeing, wellness retreats, scientific education, and experiencing local culture.

The Panoramic Glass Skywalk is located on the top of the Mountain Park, with its highest point reaching an elevation of 450 meters. Built around the world's largest natural Maitreya Buddha, the glass skywalk spans a total length of 400 meters and measures 10 meters at its widest point. Constructed using 130 tons of imported ultra-clear laminated glass, it includes various attractions such as the Elevated Platform, Rainbow Stairs, Lotus Viewing Terrace, Rainbow Road, Mountain Vows and Sea Promises, and Heart-to-Heart Pavilion.

Please click here for the accommodation in the park.

Jenny's tip: can stay one or two nights in the park. 

Openning Hours: 7:30am-6:30pm, all year round

Entrance Fee: RMB140 per person (May till Sep.) and RMB158 per person (Oct. till Apr.)