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End of the Earth(Tianya-Haijiao)

Located 23km from Sanya downtown. It faces the sea with mailing mountain as the background. Here, tourists are always attracted by its special rocks carved with Chinese characters Tianya-Haijiao means end of the earth. Since the ancient times, a lot of officials and scholars have left their footprints here and carved poems on those rocks standing on the seashore.

It has become the symbol of Sanya tourism and attracts millions of visitors every year. To see the Great Wall in the north and see Tianya-Haijiao in the South.

40 minutes from Yalong Bay, 20 minutes from Sanya Bay, 40 minutes from Dadonghai or Sanya downtown, 60 minutes from Haitang Bay


Opening Hours: 8am-7pm all year round

Entrance Fee: Free