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Deer-Turn-Round Park (Luhuitou Park)

The Deer-turn-round Park (Luhuitou Park) is located in the southwestern part of Sanya City. It consists of five mountains, with the highest peak reaching an elevation of 181 meters. The park is surrounded by the sea on three sides and is adjacent to the urban area of Sanya, offering a great vantage point for enjoying panoramic views of the city, as well as for witnessing sunrise and sunset. In 1994, the park was designated as a scenic spot. In 2017, it was honored with the national 4A tourist attraction title.

There is a love legend among the Li ethnic group in Hainan called "The Deer Turns Back". In ancient times, a young Li hunter chased a deer from the hinterland of Hainan Island all the way to the coast of the South China Sea, reaching the pinnacle of a mountain cliff with nowhere else to go. At that moment, the bdeer turned back and looked at the hunter. Moved by the scene, the hunter put down his bow and arrow, deciding not to harm the deer. Little did he know that the deer was a divine creature sent by the heavens to enlighten him. Seeing the hunter's compassionate heart, the deer transformed into a beautiful woman and they spent the rest of their lives together, embracing a life of farming and weaving. This legend signifies an important step for humanity's transition from primitiveness to civilization.

Open Hours: 8am-10pm, all year round

Entrance fee: Free

Jenny's tip: closer from Dadonghai or Sanya downtown, best for views of Sanya city and sunset, so visit there before dinner, after the sunset, you can come down  the hill and have local bbq or dishes near the foot of hill.