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Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone

Located 35km northeast of Sanya, is a must-see place and experience the natural beauty of Hainan's tropical rainforests. covers a total area of ​​45 square kilometers. It was established in 2008 and is a large-scale tourist resort that combines natural landscapes such as rainforests, canyons, waterfalls, and wetlands with cultural elements such as rainforest culture, Li nationality culture, southern medicine culture, and zodiac culture. It offers opportunities for rainforest sightseeing, cultural experiences, leisure activities, and health and wellness. The main attractions include the Zodiac Square, Rainforest Valley, Dream Valley, Sandao Valley, Wetland, Rainforest, Yaonoda Valley, Pluridei Wilderness Training Camp, Yaya Tropical Fruit Village, and Dadaseli Miao and Li Exhibition.

The name "Yaonoda" is an ideogrammatic compound that carries various meanings in the local dialect of Hainan. In the context of the tourism zone, it signifies "one, two, three." The tourism zone has attributed new connotations to the name, with "Ya" representing innovation, "Nuo" symbolizing commitment, and "Da" representing implementation. Additionally, "Yaonoda" also conveys a sense of welcome and greeting, symbolizing friendliness and well-wishes.

40 minutes from Yalong Bay
90 minutes from Sanya Bay
50 minutes from Dadonghai or Sanya downtown

Opening Hours:  8:30am - 5:30pm, all year round

Entrance Fee:  RMB150 per person